Hi Everyone! Today I will be sharing my Holiday Planning Tips. We will be talking about the upcoming holidays and how I plan for them. These Holiday Planning Tips will help you with your holiday planning and getting organized for this holiday season.
I have my Faith, I am a wife and a mother of five. My business and personal life has changed drastically this year. Between taking care of all the family needs and a husband who travels for work, things stay very busy.
We are now traveling around the country for our business Graceful Fibers and Mistie Bush Designs. I had no idea the business would take off so quickly, but I am very thankful that it has. Whether I am headed out for the day to run errands, take a kid to the doctor, pick up the hubby from work, or whatever the case maybe I always have my crochet bag with me. Inside my crochet bag I always carry quick projects that I can use as Christmas gifts, donate to my charities, etc. For example, I will have scarves, scrubbies, beanies, finger-less gloves and a few other items. As the holidays get closer I will continue to give you gift ideas and crochet and knit alongs for those that do both. I keep each one of my projects in individual project bags. This way my notes, hook and anything else that might go with that project is altogether. I suggest always having a crochet hook, yarn, scissors, measuring tape, stitch markers, pencil, paper and or index cards, and a yarn needle in your bag.
Some of my friends have what they would like to call emergency crochet or knit bags. They always leave their emergency craft (for crochet or knit) bag in their car. This allows them to have something to work on in case they get stuck out longer than they had intended. Inside the bag they typically have a pattern, ball of yarn, a crochet hook, knitting needles, stitch markers, pencil, paper or index cards, measuring tape, a yarn needle, and scissors.
If you exchange gifts with fellow crafters, this emergency bag would make a fabulous gift.