Do You Carry Your Crochet or Knitting When Traveling? Here are some things you should know before traveling on a plane or by car this holiday or any time of year:

Traveling Tips For Crocheters
I don’t know about you but I carry my crochet with me everywhere I go. I tend to get a lot more accomplished when traveling. Do you? When I travel regardless of by car or by plane
- I have a project in a small bag that can stay with me.
- The rest of the yarn I decide to take is packed in my luggage.
- I pack an extra travel bag for things I might purchase while gone. This allows me to crochet while getting to my destination and still have something else to work on once that project is finished.
- I find it easier to carry small projects verses large projects.
One very important travel tip that I discovered when bringing crochet on a plane:
When traveling by car there are no worries about what crochet hooks, knitting needles, scissors, etc. that you carry with you, however, that is not the case when flying. Knowing what I know now I will be carrying a self-addressed/pre-posted padded envelop with me when traveling.
This way if I am told I cannot carry some of my crochet tools at least I can send them back home instead of having to throw them away.
I recently ran across some great information by Lion Brand regarding Airline Travel Rules For Knitters and Crocheters that I thought would be very helpful as you prepare to travel this holiday season and throughout the year.
To read the write up from Lion Brand click HERE
I hope you enjoyed these tips for traveling with your crochet. Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite tips are for taking your crochet along with you.
Don’t forget to share your projects in my Facebook Group and/or on Instagram!
Happy Hookin!
XO, Mistie